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United States History

General American History  |   Historical Documents  |   European Discovery of America  |   The Pilgrims  |   Living in Colonial Times  |   The Salem Witch Trials  |   Pirates  |   The American Revolution  |   Lewis & Clark Exposition  |   Pioneer Times  |   The Civil War  |   Black History  |   Modern America: General  |   Modern America: 1900 - 1949  |   World War II  |   Modern America: 1950 - 1999  |   Modern America: 2000 - Present  |   History Puzzles and Games

See also: American Presidents, Native American History, History by State, Inca Culture, Mayan Culture

square General American History

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America's Story - Brought to you from the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. What did Lincoln have in his pockets the night he died? When was break dancing first done? Answers to these questions and more.

Digital History - An interactive, multimedia history of the United States from the Revolution to the present. Using new technology to enhance teaching and research.

US History for AP Students - Note cards, original source documents and other pages to help you pass the AP US History test.

US History.org - A virtual field trip through historic sites primarily in Philadelphia. You can actually experience Town Criers crying.

From Haven to Home - A Library of Congress exhibition marking 350 years of Jewish life in America.

From Revolution to Reconstruction - A complete hypertext course suitable for students at the Junior High level or older.

History Detectives - History Detectives (Monday night on PBS) is devoted to exploring the complexities of historical mysteries, searching out the facts, myths and conundrums that connect local folklore, family legends and interesting objects. (Check local listings here).

New Perspectives on The West - A weekly program from PBS . . . the people, places, and events of The West. Included are resources, lesson plans, and a quiz when you are done.

American History Stories - This site includes many classic stories of early America for young children. These stories are written by early American writers and may reflect prejedices which are reflective of the time at which they were written.

Become a Historical Detective - True or False? Was Billy the Kid really killed by Pat Garrett at Fort Sumner, New Mexico? What evidence can you find to prove your answer? Are there any conflicting accounts of his death? Are there any conflicting accounts of his life?

Flags of the United States - These clipart images of U.S. flags are free to use. Enjoy!

Paper Doll of the Month - An historic doll and her clothes to print out on heavy paper and enjoy as girls did in times past. From the US Historical Society.

This Nation - dedicated to providing factual, unbiased information about government and politics in the United States of America. High school level civics.

Tips for Oral History Interviewer - The Regional Oral History Office (ROHO) preserves the history of the San Francisco Bay Area, California, and the Western United States through oral interviews. For those interested in preserving their own history this site includes an excellent list of suggestions for how best to interview an older person.

square Historical Documents

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Archiving Early America - A wealth of resources -- a unique array of primary source material from 18th Century America. Scenes and portraits from original newspapers, maps and writings come to life on your screen just as they appeared to this country's forebears more than two centuries ago.

A Chronology of US Historical Documents - From the Magna Carta through Geaorge W. Bush's most recent addresses.

The Declaration of Independence - We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

Explore the World of Early America - An archive of original documents and even music, from the media of the era.

Interactive Constitution - Based on The Words We Live By : Your Annotated Guide to the Constitution by Linda R. Monk.

square European Discovery of America

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European Voyages of Exploration - During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries two nations, Portugal and Spain, pioneered the European discovery of sea routes that were the first channels of interaction between all of the world's continents, thus beginning the process of globalisation in which we all live today.

Christopher Columbus - Perhaps the most famous explorer was Christopher Columbus. Born in Genoa, Italy, in 1451 to a weaver, young Columbus first went to sea at the age of fourteen.

Christopher Columbus - His Gastronomic Persona - Columbus' and other explorers contributed to the larders of the old world, returning with yams, potatoes, pineapple, peppers, cocoa, vanilla, papaya, squash, corn, tomatoes and the turkey, a bird unknown to Europe and Asia.

Christopher's Crossing - A game you could make and play to help you remember key facts about Columbus.

Columbus Day - A sailor on board the Pinta sighted land early in the morning of October 12, 1492, and a new era of European exploration and expansion began.

Columbus Day Crafts and Activities - These crafts projects are for preschool, kindergarten and elementary school children. The crafts use materials found around the house.

Columbus Navigation Homepage - Examining the History, Navigation, and Landfall of Christopher Columbus.

Sir Francis Drake - These delightfully humorous pages are focused on Sir Francis Drake, and in particular on his "Famous Voyage" - the circumnavigation of the world in the sixteenth century, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth.

Milk Carton Spanish Galleon - Substitute thin sheets of plastic, and you may be able to actually sail this galleon on water for short periods. Would be worth experimenting.

Spanish Colonial Military Artifacts - History, Archaeology, Relics - While other materials are included in the illustrative displays, the interpretive emphasis of this site has been placed upon military clothing and, as they evolved, uniform-related artifacts: the buttons, strap and accoutrement buckles, and insignia worn by Spain's regular, provincial, and urban militia forces in the study region.

Spanish Exploration and Conquest of Native America - Hernando de Soto explored Native America in the 1540's, along trails that are highways today. Conquest Records describe large Indian villages, attacked then diseased, along those trails. Pioneers settled those village clearings. [Note: Site is blocked by some filters because of partial nudity, violence.]

square The Pilgrims

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First Thanksgiving Proclamation - It set aside the 29th of June as a day of Thanksgiving. Hmmm?

History of Thanksgiving - From the History Channel: A Meal Without Forks | Mayflower Myths | Pilgrim Interviews | Ask the Expert

Indians and Colonists - Primitive man is believed to have arrived in Narragansett basin in the late Pleistocene, about 6500 B.C. From then until the English colonists came, fishing and hunting and local water transportation in dugout canoes were the primary uses.

John Alden Museum - The most noted romance among the Pilgrims was between John Alden and Priscilla Mullins. Their home is the last remaining structure built by the colonists. House gif from this site.

Mayflower History - Possibly the most complete site for source documentation, especially great for those tracing family trees.

Pilgrim Clothing - Common colors include  red, earthy greens, browns, blues, violets, and grays. Contrary to popular myth, black and white clothing was clearly not the most common colors worn.

Pilgrims' 1621 Thanksgiving - Includes list of foods that were available to the Pilgrims at that time.

The Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony: 1620 - Within these webpages are some lesson plans that are being made available to assist you in the instruction of topics relating to the Mayflower journey and Plymouth Colony.

Plimoth on the Web - Take a Virtual Tour of Plimoth Plantation if you can't visit the museum in person.

Plymouth: It's History and People - Information about the original Pilgrim town and its noted history. The site to visit if you plan to travel to this town.

Plymouth Rock - Here is a stone which the feet of a few outcasts pressed for an instant; and the stone becomes famous; it is treasured by a great nation; its very dust is shared as a relic. Alexis De Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1835

Plymouth Rock - The fact of its identity has been transmitted from father to son, particularly in the instance of Elder Faunce and his father, as would be the richest inheritance, by unquestionable tradition.

The Scarlet Letter - The full novel, online. "On the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth, surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold thread, appeared the letter A. It was so artistically done, and with so much fertility and gorgeous luxuriance of fancy, that it had all the effect of a last and fitting decoration to the apparel which she wore; and which was of a splendor in accordance with the taste of the age, but greatly beyond what was allowed by the sumptuary regulations of the colony."

Thanksgiving Information From Indian Point of View - This is from The Center For World Indigenous Studies and The Fourth World Documentation Project.

square Living in Colonial Times

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Becoming Virginians - In 1610 Richard Rich declared that the English would "establish a nation where none before had stood"--conveniently forgetting about the native inhabitants. But Virginia never became the intended replica of England.

Colonial House - PBS Show Spring 2004. Explore these pages to learn about the project -- and check in for new features on the colonists and the colony every month!

Colonial Williamsburg - Be history explorer. Meet the people and experience colonial life in early America.

Old Sturbridge Village Kids Club - Crafts, puzzles and games to enjoy online. A club with a newsletter you can join for a small fee.

Virtual Jamestown - Loads of original resources making this a site for advanced students and folks researching their family history.

Education For Boys and Girls - The primary education of upper class children in colonial days included reading, writing, simple math, poems, and prayers. Paper and textbooks were scarce so boys and girls recited their lesssons until they memorized them.

Life in Colonial Times - Children were homeschooled unless their parents were seen as unfit, and only then were the children taken from the home to be apprenticed elsewhere.

The New England Primer - Little children learned to read from this book. Clear scans of each page.

Schooling, Education, and Literacy, In Colonial America - See a real Hornbook and New England Primer. See a view of the Dame School. Link into even more information about early schools, educational material, and laws.

Amusements in Colonial New England - When children had time to play, they enjoyed the same games that their parents and grandparents had played when they were young. We still play many of the games, like tag, hide-and-seek, and hopscotch.

Apple Dolls - Apple Dolls are folk dolls originating from early rural America when settlers made dolls from whatever was at hand. Apple dolls are made by carving a face in an apple and drying it. Due to the different effects drying produces, no two dolls are alike.

Colonial Children's Leisure Time and Games - One popular outdoor game was rolling the hoop. Another fun game was nine pins, which is similar to bowling. Children had sack races and played tag, quoits, marbles, hopscotch, leapfrog, and Blindman's Buff.

Early American History Interactive Crossword Puzzle - Here's your chance to test your knowledge of early American history.

How to make a Whirligig - This 18th century toy is easy to make and endless fun if your nintendo is broken down.

Colonial Hall: Biographies of America's Founding Fathers - Colonial Hall now has the biographies of 103 founding fathers and 30 biographies of their wives.

Washington's World: 18th Century America - He attended a one-room school house for 7 or 8 years and because of his father's death he never went to England to further his formal education as his older half brother Lawrence had done.

The World of Benjamin Franklin - Ben is most famous for his questions about electricity, but he also experimented with many other ideas in nature.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Cranberries - Not only did Native Americans teach European settlers to enjoy the wild turkey meat, they also showed them that the cranberry's tart nature could be sweetened by boiling and adding maple syrup.

Preparing Snacks Using Colonial Recipes - Here are the cookie recipes that we use in the Hands on History Workshops. These are adapted from colonial recipes.

Town Crier - A very active, easy to use, message board for those interested in early America.

The Wyoming Valley Massacre of 1757 - The story describes a violent episode during Colonial America and, as the history was written by a descendant of massacre victims, not a historian, some of the material may be apocryphal in nature.

square The Salem Witch Trials

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17th Century New England - With special emphasis on the Essex County witch-hunt of 1692. Be sure to check out the links to sites for young researchers.

Arthur Miller's The Crucible: Fact & Fiction - If you read the book, see the play, or watch the movie, you'll want to read this historian's account of what really happened. by Margo Burns. More resources.

The Curse of Salem Village - A slide show with eerie music telling the tale of time of the Salem witch scare and trials.

National Geographic: Salem Witch-Hunt--Interactive - Experience the trials. Will you survive?

Salem Massachusetts Witch Trials - The events which led to the Witch Trials actually occurred in what is now the town of Danvers, then a parish of Salem Town, known as Salem Village. Launching the hysteria was the bizarre, seemingly inexplicable behavior of two young girls.

Salem Witch Museum - A virtual tour. If you intend to visit this historic area, there are good maps and histories. Museum store has good books and videos for your study.

The Salem Witch Trials 1692: A Chronology Of Events - Outline of the events, with additional pages telling the stories of some of the victims.

Salem Witch Trials Documentary Archive - Original source documents for serious researchers.

Salem Witchcraft Trials 1692 - A fascinating hyperlinked account of the consequences of the lies of some hysterical girls in Puritan New England.

Salem Witch Trials: The World Behind the Hysteria - Enter a world very different from our own - and discover the fears, struggles and beliefs of everyday people in Salem. DiscoverySchool.

Secrets of the Dead - The Witches Curse - In the centuries since, scholars and historians have struggled as well to explain the madness that overtook Salem. Was it sexual repression, dietary deficiency, mass hysteria? Or, could a simple fungus have been to blame? PBS.

A Walk To Witch Hill - On the 19th of July, 1692, an unusual stir might have been observed in Salem.  We may suppose the town excited beyond any thing that had been known in its history. The condemned witches, Sarah Good, Sarah Wildes, Elizabeth Howe, Susannah Martin, and Rebecca Nurse, were to be hanged on Gallows Hills.

square Pirates

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Annie Silverjinks's Pirate Kingdom - If you like things like buried treasure, talking parrots, and feisty pirates you came to the right place, matey! I have all of those here! A pirate site for kids.

Beej's Pirate Image Archive - If you need illustrations of pirates, galleons, horrendous deeds, and gallant heroes, this is a place to get them.

Blackbeard: Pirate Terror at Sea - Blackbeard and his crew of pirates terrorized sailors on the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea from 1716 through 1718. They ambushed ships carrying passengers and cargo in the dim light of dawn and dusk when the pirates' ship was hard to see.

The Not-So-Jolly Roger - Time Warp Trio - Joe's Uncle gives him a mysterious book for his birthday (THE Book!), and when Fred wishes for buried treasure, the boys find themselves on the wrong end of the gun barrel of Edward Teach - more familiarly known as the vicious, infamous pirate Blackbeard.

Of Pirates & Treasures - Most 17th and 18th-century pirates were, in fact, New Englanders and New Yorkers, with gold and silver from Central America and merchandise from Europe. Many buried their ill-gotten treasures off shore on the islands that dot our coast, and much of it is still there, just waiting to be dug up.

Piracy Definitions - The definitions on this page, reflect the changes in meanings attributed to the words that are related to piracy (as well as the word piracy itself) from the middle ages up till now. The Dutch equivalent for each word is mentioned between brackets.

Pirates; Fact and Legend - Site is packed with biographies of famous pirates, even has a message board for your questions. Sells pirate flags.

Pirates and Privateers - Within the pages of Pirates & Privateers, you'll find articles on all aspects of maritime piracy from ancient times to modern day. One page has reviews of pirate books for young readers.

Queen Anne's Revenge - Go along on an archeology expedition to explore and preserve Blackbeard's flagship, sunken off the North Carolina shore.

Sir Francis Drake - These pages are focused on Sir Francis Drake, and in particular on his "Famous Voyage" - the circumnavigation of the world in the sixteenth century, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Was Drake a pirate or an adventurous discoverer? Depends on whether or not you are English or Spanish!

Sir Henry Morgan - Another English "sea raider" commissioned by the English to prey upon the Spanish. Sir Henry Morgan had been a heavy-drinking, fighting man of much charisma and equipped with an indomitable will to succeed.

The Story of Blackbeard - Blackbeard and his fleet blockaded Charleston harbor for nearly a week and stopped all ships coming and going. Blackbeards' only demand from the Governor was for a chest of medicine.

Terrorism In Early America - Common piracy by the Barbary States blossomed into a sophisticated racket in 1662, when England revived the ancient custom of paying tribute.

Treasure Island - Yes, that's right. Now you can download the entire unabridged text of this great novel absolutely free! This plunder is yours for the taking. You can download it now, or if you're short on disk space, you can come here and read it online whenever you want.

Women Pirates: Anne Bonny and Mary Read - Dressed as a man, Mary was on board a vessel bound for the West Indies when it was overtaken by the pirate, Captain "Calico Jack" Rackham.  She accepted his offer to join the pirates on board his ship, the "Curlew".

square The American Revolution

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The American Revolution - Event by event you can find out what happened during the Revolution.

Kids' Page at Valley Forge - You may not have thought of George Washinton as a particularly fun guy. You will after visiting this site! (Also some serious history pages as well.) [Note: site blocked by some filters because humans are injured.]

Liberty! - The story of the American Revolution---two and a half decades of debate and rebellion, war and peace. It begins in the aftermath of the French and Indian War and ends with the creation of the Constitution. Multimedia.

The Life of George Washington -- The Movie - This 35-minute internet film spans the illustrious career of George Washington from his birth at Bridges Creek, Virginia, to his death at Mount Vernon. Helps to have a high-speed connection.

Patriot Papers - Explore these interactive activities to learn more about the first president. Stories inspired by the life and leadership qualities of George Washington.

Paul Revere House - We visited this house when my daughter was 10. She asked and found out that the house had no barn, and Paul had borrowed a horse for his famous ride, and could not re-enter to Boston to return it.

Paul Revere's Ride - Listen my children and you shall hear, of the midnight ride of Paul Revere.

Revolutionary War - On this site you can see the major events leading up to and over the course of the American Revolutionary War. Teachers Guide available.

A Revolutionary Webquest - Key events, people, battles, and more vignettes mostly from an encyclopedia or two.

Sybil Ludington - There is no extravagance in comparing her ride with that of Paul Revere and its midnight message. By daybreak, thanks to her daring, nearly the whole regiment was mustered before her father's house at Fredricksburgh, and an hour or two later was on the march for vengeance on the raiders.

Virtual Marching Tour of the American Revolutionary War - The Philadelphia Campaign of the American Revolotionary War. Come follow along!

square Lewis & Clark Exposition

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Discovering Lewis and Clark - The centerpiece of Discovering Lewis and Clark® is a nineteen-part synopsis of the expedition's story by historian Harry W. Fritz, illustrated with selections from the journals of the expedition, photographs, maps, animated graphics, moving pictures, and sound files.

Go West Across America with Lewis & Clark - Wild rivers. Rugged mountains. An unknown continent to explore. This great American expedition will face them all. And they need your help on this incredible adventure. National Geographic.

Historic Steps of Lewis & Clark - You'll face six major decisions that affected the outcome of the Lewis and Clark' expedition. Choose the right answers and you'll reach the end of the trail where you can register for a prize. US Weekend.

Lewis & Clark: Interactive Journey Log - When Thomas Jefferson dispatched Lewis and Clark to find a water route across North America and explore the uncharted West, he expected they'd encounter woolly mammoths, erupting volcanoes, and a mountain of pure salt. What they found was no less surprising. National Geographic.

Lewis and Clark... and Jodie, Freddi, and Samantha - Time Warp Trio - The girls' wish for a camping trip transports them back to join Lewis and Clark on the first U.S. overland expedition to the Pacific Coast. Even with Sacagawea's help, will Jodie, Samantha and Freddi survive life in the snow-covered, bear-populated great outdoors?

Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery - Think you can lead the Lewis and Clark expedition? An excellent site to help you discover the west along with Lewis & Clark. PBS.

Lewis and Clark Expedition Web Cam Site - Web cam and photographs of the Traverlers' Rest area of Montana, including Lolo Peak, a culturally scarred tree, and the Bitterroot River.

Lewis and Clark: Maps of Exploration 1507 -1814 - Although Jefferson himself never traveled west of Warm Springs, Virginia, he was America's first great Westerner. Promoter of four attempts to reach the Pacific, he personally planned the successful expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark from 1804 to 1806.

Letter from President Thomas Jefferson - "To Meriwether Lewis, esquire, captain of the first regiment of infantry of the United States of America..." Site includes journal entries.

Lewis and Clark Screen Saver - Mac & Win. Ask your parent if it's OK to download this historically themed screen saver. PBS.

Sacagawea - From captive to Indian interpreter to a true American legend. Slow-loading 19th century photos, original documents, and text from Expedition logs are worth your wait! By Bonnie "Spirit Wind-Walker" Butterfield (Cherokee/Mohawk/Dutch)

Sacajawea - From her tribe's point of view, the Lemhi Shoshone. Banished from their homeland in 1907 and seeking to return ever since, the Sacajawea's people the Lemhi-Shoshone create a dilemma for the nation.

Sacajawea: Her Story by her people - I am a Lemhi Shoshone a descendant of Chief Cameawhait (Sacajewea's brother)..and this is a very helpful site for information on the story as told by her people. It's very useful because their voices often go unheard, they don't have tribal recognition today, and they have been living amongst the Shoshone Bannock.

Special Events in Montana - There is a lot going on under the Big Sky. Our calendar of events offers an endless array of activities from the Discover Traveler's Rest event commemorating the anniversary of Lewis & Clark's visit to the Lolo area to the Missouri River Breaks Lewis & Clark Encampment.

Follow in the Footsteps of Lewis & Clark - The Sierra Club takes you on a virtual field trip of the regions explored by Lewis & Clark.

Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail - Most of the trail follows the Missouri & Columbia Rivers. Much has changed in 200 years but trail portions remain intact.

Travelers' Rest State Park - At this place, Old Toby instructed them to rest themselves and their horses and to make preparations for the difficult mountain crossing ahead.

square Pioneer Times

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The End of the Oregon Trail - Need a plan for a prairie scooner or to know what prices were like along the trail. This is the site to investigate the trail from Missouri to Oregon.

The Old Timer Page - The Way We Used To Do it... Today there is an increasing self awareness among many toward becoming more self reliant.

The Oregon Trail - The Oregon Trail was much more than a pathway to the state of Oregon; it was the only practical corridor to the entire western United States.

square The Civil War

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Explanation of "Follow the Drinking Gourd" - The first verse of this song tells slaves to leave in the winter and walk towards the Drinking Gourd. Eventually they will meet a guide who will escort them for the remainder of the trip.

Follow the Trail to Freedom in the 1850s - Can you make your way from a southern plantation to freedom in Canada?

Uncle Tom's Cabin and American Culture - The original texts and lesson plans and guidelines for learning about this book some say ignited the Civil War.

Underground Railroad - You are a slave. Your body, your time, your very breath belong to a farmer in 1850s Maryland. Six long days a week you tend his fields and make him rich. You have never tasted freedom. You never expect to. And yet . . . your soul lights up when you hear whispers of attempted escape. Freedom means a hard, dangerous trek. Do you try it?

Alice Williamson's Civil War Diary - Wonder what it would have been like to have been 16 when the Union Army attacked?

American Civil War - Find out about the causes, the battles and the people that make this period of history a fascinating study.

Battle of Gettysburg Information Center - Do you have questions on the Battle of Gettysburg and Adams County? Begin your journey to the answers here.

Camp Life - "Soldiering is 99% boredom and 1% sheer terror" wrote one soldier to his wife. See what camp life was like on this page from Gettysburg National Memorial Park.

Civil War Chess Game - Instructions on how to build your own chess set with Civil War notables for the pieces, from a homeschool family.

Civil War Coloring Book - Click on each picture and you will get a black and white picture. Print the picture on your printer and color it in. Can you identify the roles each of these people played in this era?

Civil War for Kids - The students in Mrs. Huber's class at Pocantico Hills School in Sleepy Hollow, New York have been learning about the Civil War. They read about this important time in our nation's history and wrote about it.

Civil War | PBS - Meet the men, women and children who fought and died in the War Between the States in this PBS documentary.

Civil War Re-Enactment - One way to learn about the Civil War is to join or visit a re-enactment association. This site has loads of information so that the members of this club can faithfully reproduce this era.

Civil War Slang - Become the chief cook and bottle washer, won't you? Get snug as a bug and start toeing the mark.

Civil War Tic-Tac-Toe - You play as the Confederates and the computer as the Union Army.

Hey, Ranger! - The Gettysburg National Military Park Civil War Page For Kids. Do you think that you could be a historian? Why don't you explore this site and see if you have what it takes to be a junior historian.

The Hunley - On February 17, 1864, the Confederate Hunley became the first submarine to destroy an enemy vessel in battle when it sank the Union sloop of war Housatonic outside Charleston harbor. The Hunley did not return from that mission and lay on the ocean bottom for 136 years until its recovery in August 2000.

Hymns & Spirituals - Thirteen songs are sung in Uncle Tom's Cabin, all but one -- the Latin hymn from Mozart's Requiem that St. Clare sings -- sung by slaves. All but one of those -- the "rowdy song" that Legree demands the slaves sing on their way to his plantation -- are religious.

Make a Civil War Flag - During the Civil War, flags were symbols of home, the nation and one's fellow soldiers. Each regiment carried its own flags into battle.

Make a Civil War Drum - During the Civil War, boys under the age of 16 served in both the Union and Confederate (southern) armies. Most of them played the drum, fife or bugle.

Mason-Dixon Line's Civil War Recipes - Learn to make and enjoy eating Hardtack, Southern Johnnie Cake, soup and other remedies for the sick.

Poetry and Music of the War Between the States - For those who want to truly understand the thoughts and emotions of those who fought in the Civil War.

Selected Civil War Photographs - 1,118 photographs. Most of the images were made under the supervision of Mathew B. Brady, and include scenes of military personnel, preparations for battle, and battle after-effects.

Shotgun's Home of the American Civil War - From the blood soaked plains of Manassas, to the smoke filled skies of Atlanta, and finally to the tear filled eyes at Appomattox. For four of the bloodiest years in the history of this Republic the war raged. It started as Yanks and Rebs, it ended as "Americans!" 

The Story of One Union Soldier - Private Bernard McKnight - Massachusetts 3rd Cavalry, 1838 - 1864. On September 3rd, 1862 at the age of 25, Barney enlisted in the Union Army. Most likely he was motivated by the two hundred dollar bounty payments made by the wealthy to encourage poor immigrants to take the place of the rich in the draft.

Valley of the Shadow - An animated map where you can follow the regiment of your choice as they move from one battleground to the next. Look here for the full Valley of the Shadow project sections. Read diaries and newspapers of the era. Locate photographs and official soldiers' records.

With Lee in Virginia: a story of the American Civil War by G. A. Henty - Even in recounting the leading events in these campaigns, I have burdened my story with as few details as possible, it being my object now, as always, to amuse as well as to give instruction in the facts of history. G. A. HENTY.

square Black History

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Black History - Several approaches to this sensitive subject. Hotlist of links, an interactive treasure hunt, a "sampler" so you can get an overview, a "webquest" that asks you to take action, and a section that takes a hard look at the Tuskegee Tragedy.

Black History Review - Every day a new biography. Reviews of resources for studying black history.

square Modern America: General

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20th Century Chronology - Decade by decade review of the twentieth century, including fabulous interactive quizzes.

Crazy Fads - From 1920 to 1990 we list all of the craziest fads that have come and gone. Go back a few decades and read about the silly to serious fads that helped change our society and create a pop-culture.

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow - Jim Crow was not a person, yet affected the lives of millions of people. Named after a popular 19th-century minstrel song that stereotyped African Americans, quot; Jim Crow" came to personify the system of government-sanctioned racial oppression and segregation in the United States. PBS.

square Modern America: 1900 - 1949

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Growing Seasons - A series of notebooks about growing up in rural America during the early 1900's. Written for the young reader.

Little Miners - In the early years of the 20th century, children as young as eight years old worked in the coal mines. The work was hard and the "little boys" grew old and stooped before their time.

The Titanic - FAQ - The RMS Titanic has salvage rights, and here they answer questions often asked about the sinking of the "unsinkable" liner, the Titanic.

Perfessor Bill Edwards' Ragtime Era Nostalgia - Interesting people, advertising art, tales of Christmas past, and inventions. Unfortunately, not all the internal links work, but those do.

The Roaring Twenties - Many historians believe that for industrialized nations the 1920s ushered in the modern age.

Games of the Coal Camp Children - Games played an important part in coal camp life in the 1920s and 1930s. Most of the families of Utah coal miners were poor. Their children had few "store-bought" games or toys. Through imagination, the children made the best of what they had.

square World War II

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Remembering Pearl Harbor @ nationalgeographic.com - Multimedia Map and Time Line: Photos, footage, firsthand accounts, and narration bring the attack to life-moment by moment, target by target.

Anne Frank: Lessons in Human Rights and Dignity - The powerful writings of a teenager from the darkness of her hiding place during the Holocaust can teach us much about making a difference for the 21st century.

Rabbit in the Moon - A PBS documentary about the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. You are about to begin a journey that further explores the issues addressed in the film.

WarMuseum.ca - Armoured Warrior - Two miles to the gallon. Seats five uncomfortably. No cup holders. Are you ready for an adventure -- in a tank?

square Modern America: 1950 - 1999

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The Fifties - A trip into the era of your parents' childhood. Listen to their favorite tunes, check out what they watched on TV!

Fun Facts of the Fifties - See how well you do on this pop quiz about fads and toys of the 50's. From Johnny Rockets restaurant site.

National Civil Rights Museum Virtual Tour - The 50s and 60s was a time of struggle for American blacks to gain the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

It Seems Like Yesterday - Was your Dad a Baby Boomer? Your Mom a Disco Doll? Come read the headlines of papers of the 50s-70s.

American History 1960 -1969 - Lots of resources about the 60's: Kennedy, Johnson, King, Vietnam War, and much more.

The British Invasion - Their music and fashions invaded the US in the 1960s. Meet The Beatles, The Kinks, The Who, The Rolling Stones, The Animals, The Hollies and The Yardbirds.

Technology at Home - This activity lets you go back through the century to find out when everyday items we are so used to first appeared in homes. (1900 - 1998)

square Modern America: 2000 - Present

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The September 11 Digital Archive - Advanced. Some of the photos and stories may be disturbing to young children and sensitive souls. This is huge archive, and a good place to start looking for information about what happened that day.

square History Puzzles and Games

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American Memory - Activities for children create a "hands on" history experience. From the Library of Congress.