Dear Visitor,
Thank you for visiting the Sunny Meadow Academy website. We are happy to have you here. We includes myself, Pat, and my three children as well as a husband who ever so occasionally happens to make it home from work for a couple of hours in the evening.
We are a homeschooling family. Our three children are all in first grade together this year. We have twin six-year-old daughters whom we adopted from India when they were 18 months old and a seven-year-old biological son.
We are currently living in San Diego, California but planning a move this summer to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. To homeschool independently in California a family is required to file with the Department of Education as a private school. That is what we did choosing the name Sunny Meadow Academy.
My decision to homeschool our three children is primarily one of simply wanting more time with them. Becoming a mother, as I'm sure most would agree, is a life-changing event. I had waited until late in life (mid-30s) to have children. This coming after years of seriously believing that I didn't care to have any!! Oh my, but once I had them . . . yep, it was pretty life changing. I love being a mother and I love spending time with them. These are the only children I will ever have. These precious early years can never be relived and I'm not willing to give them up to anyone. In general, I believe parents need to spend much more time with their children than what society currently finds acceptable. Combine this with the current school environment and the research showing how well homeschool works and . . . here we are homeschooling -- and loving it!
Although my children are only in first grade this year I have spent years collecting these links and sharing them with others when I find something really great. The idea to create this site came about one day as I sat here with a book trying to teach myself HTML and web programming. Reading the examples from the book and testing on what they used as examples just wasn't getting it for me. I learn best by diving right in the middle of it all. I NEEDED A PROJECT! (Adults as well as children learn best by doing!)
This website is that result. I have enjoyed building it, learning as I go, and you will hopefully enjoy exploring its resources and using its contents.
Pat Yarasi