Homeschool Research, Statistics & Successes
General Research   |  
Academic Statistics  |  
Socialization Research   |  
College Preparation   |  
Homeschooler Achievement  |  
Adult Homeschoolers  |  
Homeschooling is the fastest growing trend in education today. Much is being written about it in newspapers and magazines and reported on nighttime news. But what are the true facts? This page of our site is for anyone wanting to know more and wanting to go beyond fluffed up newsprint articles.
General Research
- Homeschooling In The United States (2004, National Center for Educational Statistics) This survey shows that the number of homeschooled children in the U.S. is increasing. It also focuses on why families choose to homeschool.
- Homeschooling: From the Extreme to the Mainstream (2001, Patrick Basham of the Cato Institute) This paper establishes that home schooling is a thriving educational movement both in Canada and the United States. It also empirically demonstrates that the academic and socialization outcomes for the average home schooled child are superior to those experienced by the average public school student.
- Home Schooling On The Threshold (National Home Education Research Institute) This report is written for the layperson but provides 130 endnotes and several pages of research references for further study. It is a report that reflects the generally "positive" findings of research on the outcomes of homeschooling.
- Class @ Home (2001, Christopher W. Hammons) Home schoolers clearly do no worse than students educated in schools. Moreover, for many students, home schooling appears to be a flexible, engaging method that unlocks their creativity and inspires them to greater pursuits. Home schooling may not be for everyone, but for students and parents who are committed to the endeavor, it appears to be a viable alternative to public education.
Academic Statistics
- Strengths of Their Own: Homeschoolers Across America (1997) This study demonstrates that homeschoolers, on the average, out-performed their counterparts in the public schools by 30 to 37 percentile points in all subjects.
- Scholastic Achievement and Demographic Characteristics
of Home School Students (1998, Lawrence M. Rudner) This report studied 20,760 homeschool students. The achievement test scores of this group of students are exceptionally high with the median scores typically in the 70th to 80th percentile. This finding held true regardless of student gender, gender, age, or race, as well as parents marital status and family income or parent education.
- Academic Statistics on Homeshooling (2004) Many studies over the past few years have established the academic excellence of homeschooled children. This paper does a wonderful job of compiling the results.
Socialization Research
- Socialization? No Problem! (2003, Dr. Brian Ray)
- Comparison of Social Adjustment Between Home and Traditionally Schooled Students (Larry Edward Shyers, Ph.D.) This study found no significant difference in self-esteem of homeschooled and public schooled children who took part in the testing. This entire 299 page thesis is available from University Microfilms International. Phone number 800-521-3042. Use order number DA9304052.
College Preparation
Homeschooler Achievement
Adult Homeschoolers